Business Telephone Systems
We offer a wide variety of phone systems from only the most reliable manufacturers to ensure efficient call management, connectivity for all your locations, and access to every member of your team.
Select from traditional phone systems, cloud-based services, or on-premise IP telephone systems. You can expect an exceptional business communication solution regardless of which delivery method you choose.
Our flagship product is Toshiba and we are an authorized Toshiba dealer (and have been since 1987)!
Toshiba’s philosophy when it comes to phone systems is: “Forward and backward migratability”, meaning your investment is protected for years to come because new updates typically will work on older devices and new devices typically work on older systems. This can be HUGE — especially if you plan on upgrading later on or if your business is still in the growth mode.
We also sell and service other popular phone system brands as well and take a low-pressure, relaxed, consultative approach to helping you determine which solution is right for your business.

Cloud-Based VoIP Systems
With a cloud-based telephone system you’ll get the benefits of modern IP business communications — but with so much more – and without the necessity of buying or leasing an on-site communications server or PBX.
So instead of your service provider’s IP network, service is carried out using “the cloud”.
Businesses don’t have to worry about system hosting, power protection, performance, or maintenance concerns, while users will enjoy the flexibility and ability to customize functions that comes with cloud-based VoIP.
Contact us so that we can help you determine if a cloud-based VoIP system is right for YOUR individual situation.

Traditional Phone Systems
If you’re looking for a phone system that’s reliable and cost-effective, a “traditional” phone system is the way to go, whether as a main communication system or supplemental to a current VoIP system.
In the event that a power system goes down or gets interrupted, you can always rely on your traditional phone system to provide voice clarity and dependable service, both paramount to any business.
Now if you don’t understand whether or not you need a traditional phone system, cloud-based VoIP, or any other type of configuration… DON’T WORRY!
Teleco Augusta’s consultative, relaxed, and “non-salesy” approach will help you determine what is right for your business needs and your budget.

Premise-Based VoIP Systems
Premise-based VoIP systems use your current IP data network or local area network (LAN) to process voice calls.
This has revolutionized business telecommunications by unifying voice and data, all in a SINGLE network.
Companies can greatly benefit from an on-premise telephone system as equipment and administrations costs are reduced, long-distance charges no longer apply, and new services, “personalization,” and a whole lot more capabilities are made possible.
Whatever your needs… you can trust Teleco to help you determine the custom-tailored solution that is right for you. Call us at (706) 868-9897 today!